
Yoh Nagao painting on canvas


Yoh Nagao is a Yokohama born and Nagoya raised Japanese contemporary artist who is passionate to pursue his artistic and philosophical theme “We will be the indigenous people of the future” by combining painting and collage in his art pieces. Nagao is one of Japan's leading international artists and since his much acclaimed solo exhibition in Hong Kong in 2009, his works have been exhibited around the world including Switzerland, London, Paris, Berlin, New York, Spain, Tokyo, Miami, Los Angeles and Mexico. In the international competition, the ARTAQ Urban Art Award awarded him an honorable mention at the Collage division of France. In 2008, his work was exhibited in the famous boutique Colette in Paris.  In recent years, Nagao has been invited to No Commission hosted by Bacardi USA and HipHop producer Swizzbeatz, made the art visuals for a European Asics limited edition sneaker campaign and illustrations for the JRA Chukyo Racecourse annual campaign in 2015. Furthermore, he has been featured in world-renowned magazines such as JUXTAPOZ (USA), DAZED AND CONFUSED (UK), LODOWN (Germany), dpi (Taiwan).
Nagao has been invited to hold collage workshops in many cities of the world to share his passion and philosophy with future generations. To experience indigenous cultures and gather inspiration and material for his art pieces, Nagao conducted field work projects in Mexico and Namibia, where he visited ethnic groups and learned about their customs. In 2017, he temporarily came back to Japan from Berlin, which had been his base for over five years, and is now working in his atelier in Nagoya city aiming to move to New York as his next step.


長尾 洋は横浜市生まれ愛知県出身、”僕らは未来の先住民”をテーマにコラージュとアクリル絵具を使い、現代人から先住民族までの嗜好性と色彩感覚を追いかける現代アーティスト。
2009年の香港での個展開催を皮切りに、スイス、ロンドン、フランス、ベルリン、ニューヨーク、スペイン、東京、マイアミ、ロサンゼルス、メキシコなど世界各地で作品を展示し、国際的なコンペティションでは2011 年にARTAQ Urban Art Award(フランス)のコラージュ部門にて佳作を受賞。 PICK ME UP Contemporary Graphic Art Fairにも招待され、2008年にはパリの有名セレクトショップ、Coletteでも作品を展示。
近年では、Bacardi USAとHipHopプロデューサーSwizzbeatz主催のアートイベントNo Commissionへ招待、欧州アシックスから発売された限定スニーカーのためのキャンペーンビジュアルの制作、2015年のJRA中京競馬場の年間ポスターのイラストなどを手がけつつも、世界各地を回り若手育成のためのワークショップの開催や壁画制作を行うなど、世界的に活躍中の日本を代表するアーティストの一人。これまでにもJUXTAPOZ(アメリカ)、DAZED AND CONFUSED(イギリス)、LODOWN(ドイツ)、dpi(台湾)といった世界的に知名度のある雑誌にも取り上げられるなどその注目度は増しています。

We the future indigenous

Nowadays, in many developed countries, we are constantly being controlled by media and information and the human folly and conflict, discrimination, resource exploitation and environmental destruction are unstoppably getting worse and worse. However, even in this modern era, there are still many people on this planet that are not influenced by modernization and civilization, which we call indigenous people. But in hundreds of years, we will become the indigenous people to our future descendants. As our given lives and cultures are on an extended line that has been inherited from our ancestors, we have to ask ourselves: What could we leave for our descendants?
Many of the indigenous people of the world have lived richly and simply with very limited resources and Nagao assumes that there is an inventive strength that our ancestors developed and cultivated for over several hundred years even before the invention of language. Records of it were printed on the DNA and passed down to our generation. Therefore, many of their elements of folkloric decoration and color usage are still found in modern culture. Since Nagao combines these elements that human beings originally possess from the past to the present, he can communicate with people with diverse roots, cultures and values and connect them to each other through his art. You can find many tips through his work and the experience and knowledge from real field work and research. Nagao's artistic mission is to inspire this instinctive virtue and enrichment to more people for a brighter future.


今でも近代化・文明化の影響を受けず、大昔からさほど変わらない生活、世界に住む人たちを私たちは先住民と呼びますが、今後数百年もたつと、私たちの未来の子孫たちから見て私たちも先住民という存在になりうると思います。 私たちの生活や文化が先祖から引き継がれてきた延長線上にあるとすると、私たちは子孫たちへ何を残すことなるでしょうか?
現代社会では特に、私たちが本能的に感じること、個々人のルーツやバックグラウンドをもう一度目を見つめ直してみると、様々なものがストレスなく私たちにフィットしてくると思っています。 世界の先住民の多くは非常に限られた資源や環境の中で見事に豊かにそしてシンプルに暮らしてきました。そこで培われた民族衣装の装飾やその色使いには現代人にもはっとされる要素がたくさん詰まっています。 私たちの先祖が選び見つけ、生活の一部として残してきたものには数百年以上にもわたって培われてきた発明的な強さがあると思います。またこの感覚は言語の発達よりも早く生まれてきました。そしてDNAにもこの感覚は記録されているはずです。
このように人間が本来もっている過去から現代までの色彩や装飾の要素を多く組み合わせてできた作品を通してより多くの人とコミュニケーションをとることが可能であり、人と人をつなぐことができます。またそれらは私たち個々人の持つルーツや文化と強く関わっており、その価値観は多様です。私の作品、そして実際のフィールドワークで得た経験や知識にその多くのヒントを見つけることができます。 この本能的な美徳と豊かさをより多くの人に喚起しより明るい未来を創生することが私のアーティストとしてのミッションです。

2022 - Solo exhibition “COLLECTING AINU”, ESCAPEMENT ART Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

2022 - Solo exhibition “VACANCIES”, YUGEN Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2021 - Solo exhibition “Ceramic Man”, Shinmachi Building, Gifu, Japan

2020 - Solo exhibition “YO SOY TÚ”, THE AIR BUIDLING, Tokyo, Japan

2019 - Solo Exhibition, Mirus Gallery, San Fransisco, USA

2018 - Group Exhibition, GR Gallery New York, New York City, USA

2018 - Group Exhibition, Mirus Gallery, Denver, USA

2017 - No Commission | Bacardi+The Dean Collection, Berlin, Germany

2015 - Group Exhibition DREAMLANDS, CHG Circa, Los Angeles, USA

2015 - LA ART SHOW, Los Angeles, USA

2014 - SCOPE Miami Beach, Miami, USA

2014 - Birth of Cool group exhibition at The Ballery, Berlin, Germany

2014 - Detour Through Wonderland, first european solo exhibition, Berlin, Germany

2013 - Art Fair ULTRA 006 at Aoyama Spiral, Tokyo, Japan

2012 - ARTAQ URBAN ARTS AWARDS, Angers, Paris, France

2011 - ARTAQ URBAN ARTS AWARDS, Angers, Paris, France

2011 - Mar. Pick Me Up contemporary graphic art fair at Somerset house, London, UK

2010 - Oct. Group exhibition “ism 2010”, tambourin-gallery, Tokyo, Japan

2009 - Dec. Fountain Miam Art fair, Miami Florida, USA

2009 - Feb. JOURNEY solo exhibition, Gallery Benten 17, Hong Kong

2008 - Dec. WONDERLAND art for all Group exhibition, Gallery Benten 17, Hong Kong

2007 - Dec. Project "WE-ARE -FAMILIA" at Colette, Paris, France

Artaq Awards 2011, Collage MENTION, France

SHIFT 2008 CALENDAR competition selected


UNIQLO Creative Award 2005 top sellection

14th CNIC New Illustrator Competition etc...


Artaq Awards 2011,コラージュ部門 佳作, フランス

SHIFT 2008 カレンダー・コンペティション 入選

第8回世界ポスタートリエンナーレ富山2006 入選

UNIQLOクリエイティブアワード2005 トップセレクション

第14回CNIC新人イラストレーターコンペティション リキテックス賞受賞など


[Books & Magazines]

NAKEDBUTSAFE Magazine Issue7, 2014, Germany

MITTESCHöNE Magazine July 2012, Germany

Fresh 3: Cutting Edge Illustrations Print, Slanted Germany

dpi Magazine vol.139, TAIWAN


West East Magazine issue 28 "YOUTH", HONG KONG

Ming Pao daily weekly magazine, HONG KONG




Khooligan magazine, RUSSIA


Any inquiries, feel free to contact Yoh Nagao by e-mail please.

Yoh is looking for galleries, agents, productions or curators from all around the world to establish trusting and highly-motivating partnerships with, and extend his field of work further.



